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Friendship needs no words –
it is solitude delivered from the anguish of loneliness.

Dag Hammarskjöld

Who are we?

Dr. Melchior Caduff
fine art
Dr. Melchior Caduff
Choose a job you love, and you will
never have to work a day in your life.
Dr. Nina Mossi
fine art
Dr. Nina Mossi
Nulla è piccolo di ciò
che è fatto per amore.
Italian aphorism
We are joint partners in the IT company poxoq GmbH (founded in 2004).

We were brought together by fate many years ago and have never separated. Our passion for life and our work accompanies us on a common path.

We welcome any challenge and we tackle all challenges with élan.

We are a well-rehearsed team and have many years’ experience in software development, business analysis, IT project management, process optimisation, organisational development and training.

We offer our services in four languages (English, German, Italian and French).

We take care of your project with love and passion.